Citizens for Peace Third Annual Veggie Potluck
The Citizens for Peace will hold their third annual Veggie Potluck at their August 9th meeting at 6:30pm at Unity of Livonia. The meeting is open to the public. Attendees are encouraged to bring a vegetarian dish to share or a donation of $5.00. After sharing dinner, the short film, “A Life Connected”, by Nonviolence United, will be shown and discussed. One of the messages in the film is that we have the ability to “feed ourselves and every hungry person on the planet” by using one powerful tool: our fork. Find out how our food choices affect everyone around the world, including the 40,000 people who starve to death daily. Join the discussion on how to expand our circle of compassion, live our values, and change the world. For more information call Colleen at 734-425-0079.