ESSAY CONTEST - NONVIOLENCE AS A PATHWAY TO PEACEFollowing is information on how to enter the contest to celebrate the "Season For Nonviolence".
Please join us in this celebration by entering.
Nonviolence as a Pathway to PeaceCitizens for Peace is sponsoring an essay contest for Michigan high school and college students to help promote The Season for Nonviolence. The Citizens for Peace is a grassroots nonprofit nonpartisan community organization whose mission is to create a culture of peace and has been active since 2003. ( For additional information call 734-525-4326 or email
arabdoo@earthlink.netThe Season for Nonviolence began in 1998 when it was inaugurated at the United Nations. It was co-founded by the M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence and a group of ten ministers forming the Leadership Council of The Association for Global New Thought. Its purpose is to focus educational and media attention on the philosophy of attaining peace through nonviolent action as demonstrated by Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. The Season is January 30th through April 4th of each year.
DEADLINEMarch 10 , 2009, Mail to: Citizens for Peace, Essay Contest, 31648 Pembroke, Livonia, MI 48152
CONTENT“How do nonviolent practices reduce conflict and create pathways to peace?”
Sample approaches: compare and contrast the peace efforts of two or more peacemakers; discuss the causes of violence and what needs to be done to reduce it; focus on a specific area of the world and discuss how violent conflict was stopped and what steps were taken to secure peace.
FORMAT8 ½ x 11” paper; margins 1”; double space; 500 word maximum. List all materials on the last page of your essay, using the standard bibliographic format that you use at your school. Quotations must be referenced. Essay must be typed in English.
Your essay must show evidence of relevant reading and thoughtful use of resource materials; treatment of assigned theme; clear and effective language; and a coherent plan of organization.
RESEARCHThe sources for this essay must include at least two selections from the Peace Collection bibliography, which lists over 300 titles to select from. Most of the books are located at the Civic Center Branch of the Livonia Public Library. The complete bibliography can be viewed from the Citizens for Peace blog ( or at the Resource Desk at the Civic Center Branch. You may also view a partial listing at .
If you do not have Livonia Public Library Card, call 734-466-2491 to obtain one or to inquire about reciprocal borrowing privileges and interlibrary loan, available to most libraries in S.E. Michigan.
AWARDSBoth high school and college prizes will be $250, $100 and $50 each for first, second and third place.
Prizes will be awarded at the Season for Nonviolence celebration on April 14, 2009 at the monthly meeting of the Citizens for Peace in Livonia, MI. Each winner will be invited to attend.
COVER PAGEList name, address, city/zip, phone number, email address, high school or college grade level and school name. If under 18, include parent/guardian signature along with yours.
Type the following statement on your cover page:
I am submitting an original essay to the Citizens for Peace essay contest, “Nonviolence as a Pathway to Peace” as they honor the Season for Nonviolence. I certify that this essay is my own work and that I have abided by all the guidelines and requirements of the Contest. I understand that my essay will not be returned to me and will become the property of the Citizens for Peace to use at its discretion in activities related to the contest. I further understand that the judges’ decisions are final and that if I am selected as a winner of the contest, I will be available for a photo for a press release.
Then, sign your name along with your parent or guardian, if applicable.