Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Spirit of Survival Highlighted at the Citizens for Peace Meeting

Hear an Amazing Story from an Inspirational Woman on March 11th! 

Here is the link to Irene's Talk. Thank you Irene!

Irene Miller

A story of survival through the eyes of a child as she and her family fled from one hell to another in escaping from the Nazis during WWII is recounted by Irene Miller at the Citizens for Peace meeting Tuesday, March 11th at Unity of Livonia (28660 Five Mile).
Irene Miller, a West Bloomfield resident, shares her and her family’s spirit of survival in her book Into No Man’s Land: A Historical Memoir, which will be available for sale at the meeting. 

She describes in vivid detail her family’s harrowing experiences, as part of some 300,000 Polish Jews who escaped to the Soviet Union from 1939 – 1941. Her personal account of the escape, life in a Siberian labor camp, an impoverished village in Uzbekistan, an orphanage, and life in Israel are highlighted.

Irene’s determination and perseverance led her to getting a double Master’s degree, and a career in hospital administration. Her compassion motivated her to work for civil rights, and help women with substance abuse issues.

Irene serves on the board of the American Jewish Committee, volunteers as a court mediator, and speaks at the Holocaust Memorial Center of Farmington Hills.
“In my small way, I work to make the world a better place for all”, says Irene in the epilogue of her book.

Meet this extraordinary woman at the March 11th meeting at 7 pm. It is free and open to the public.

Monday, February 17, 2014

What a Great Start to a Year of Peace!

We have had two outstanding speakers to start us off on another great year of working for peace!

If you missed either meeting, or would like to hear our speakers again, click on the links below.

Thanks Kevin 'Mr. Peace' for recording our meetings!


Reverend Rich Peacock Talk
How to Turn MLK’s Dream into a Reality
Citizens for Peace Meeting January14, 2014

Robert Weir Talk
Love in Our Hearts: Peace in Our World
Citizens for Peace Meeting on February 11, 2014

Sunday, February 09, 2014

February 11th Meeting with Robert Weir

Love in our Hearts: Peace in our World

                            World traveler and writer

 Robert Weir
Will lead the discussion:
“What do we look like when we have love in our hearts?”
“What does peace look like in real life?”

For as much as we might wish for others to have peace and for as much as we might attempt to force peace on others, ultimately, we are responsible only for our inner peace. Peace in our hearts. Love in our hearts.
When we have peace within, our hearts become like a radiator of love. We radiate the peace of love, our love for peace.
We detach from outcomes, expectations, and frustrations. We accept others whether they have love in their hearts or not. We love our neighbors. We love our perceived enemies. We do unto others as we would have them do unto us. We become peace, an instrument of peace.
We know this conceptually. Many have written about this in songs, poems, and literature. But what does peace within look like in real life? What do we look like and how do we look when we have love in our hearts?
Join an insightful discussion of these questions at the monthly Citizens for Peace meeting on Tuesday, February 11, 2014.
Robert Weir, a renowned world traveler, writer, and book editor, will lead the discussion. He will share stories of relationship challenges within himself and with his family. He will ask you to share your stories—if you want to. Or listen, observe, comment. Or simply be present. In whatever way you choose, be an instrument of peace.
Then leave with a greater peace within, a greater peace in your heart, a greater love to radiate to the world.  
The meeting begins at 7 pm at Unity of Livonia located at 28660 Five Mile Rd.
For more information call Colleen at 734-425-0079.