Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Specific Directions for Entering the

The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes interpersonal violence in our communities and throughout the world as a major problem with costs in the United States estimated at $300 billion per year. The cost to victims was estimated at more than $500 billion per year. Combined, this is the equivalent to nearly 10% of our country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP)(The Economic Dimensions of Interpersonal Violence, WHO, 2004). It is both a national and international challenge for people to resolve conflicts peacefully. It is this challenge that motivates the Citizens for Peace to sponsor this essay contest. We are happy to have you join us in this effort.

ELIGIBILITY: Michigan high school and college students.

CASH AWARDS: $250, $100, $50 each for First, Second, and Third Place in
both high school and college divisions.

DEADLINE: March 12, 2010

RECEPTION: April 13, 2010, 7:00 PM (winners posted by April 1 on blog)


FOCUS: Research violence in families, schools, or neighborhoods and how active
nonviolent action promoted cooperation, understanding, and/or reconciliation.

FORMAT: The essay should be no more than 500 words typed, double
spaced on 8.5” x 11” paper within the structure of the following
four parts:

1. Introduction: Your rationale for your thesis statement.
2. Body: The body of your essay should develop your position and include a)
description of the conflict, b) the nonviolent action, c) the barriers that
existed, and d) the outcome or results.
3. Conclusion: Your conclusion is the result of the analysis of your research
which supports your thesis and convinces the reader of your position.
Include your personal reflection on how this conclusion has impacted your
perspective on nonviolence as a pathway to peaceful relationships.
4. Sources: Include at least two sources from the Peace Bibliography.
The titles can be viewed at the Peace Collection link on In addition, all sources must be listed and credited using a standard citation method. “Encyclopedias” are not
acceptable as sources. When using internet sources include author(s), title of work, internet address, and date information was accessed.

COVER PAGE: Complete the following Cover Page making sure that you and your parent/guardian sign (if age of student is under 18). Copy and attach the cover page to your essay before mailing.

QUESTIONS: Call 734-525-4326 or email




1. Please Print and attach a copy of this form to the front of your essay.
2. Signature of student required.
3. Signature of parent/guardian required. (If student is under 18)

NAME _______________________________________________________________________



PHONE: __________________________________EMAIL_____________________________

HIGH SCHOOL NAME__________________________________________GRADE_______

COLLEGE NAME_________________________________________LEVEL_____________

CITY WHERE SCHOOL IS LOCATED__________________________________________

TEACHER/INSTRUCTOR NAME_______________________________________________

Please read the following and sign.

I am submitting an original essay to the Citizens for Peace essay contest, (title) __________________
______________________________________,_as they honor the Season for Nonviolence. I
certify that this essay is my own work and that I have abided by all the guidelines and requirements of the contest. I understand that my essay will not be returned to me and will become the property of the Citizens for Peace to use at its discretion in activities related to the contest. I further understand that the judges’ decisions are final and that if I am selected as a winner of the contest, I will be available for a photo for a press release.


Parent/Guardian signature______________________________________Date__________________
(if student is under 18 years of age)

Mail to: Citizens for Peace SNV Essay Contest
31648 Pembroke, Livonia, MI 48152