Friday, January 11, 2013

Peace and Conflict Discussion Series

32777 Five Mile Road – Livonia, MI 48154 - 734-466-2490

The Citizens for Peace is sponsoring their second annual Peace and Conflict Discussion Series to celebrate the Season for Nonviolence*.  The discussion group will meet on the first Thursday of February, March, and April 2013 in the MICHIGAN ROOM in the Livonia Civic Center Library Atrium from 7:00 to 8:30 PM.  It is FREE and open to the public.  PLEASE read the selected books prior to the session.  Books may be purchased or borrowed through your local library network or through MelCat.  You may have to ask your librarian for assistance.
Thursday, February 7 – COMPARATIVE RELIGIONS,  a discussion led by Henry Ford Community College professor Grant Shafer, Ph.D., Near Eastern Studies, University of Michigan; M.A, Theological Studies,
Harvard University; B.A., History, Wayne State University.
DISCUSSION FOCUS:  The commonalities within world religions.

Thursday, March 7: – MUHAMMAD: A PROPHET FOR OUR
TIME, by Karen Armstrong, publisher: HarperCollins, 2006.  Armstrong, an author, scholar, and journalist, is among the world’s foremost commentators on religious history and culture. Facilitator:   Suzanne Kaplan, Schoolcraft College Professor Emeritus.
DISCUSSION FOCUS:  What made Muhammad a prophet nearly
1400 years ago?
Thursday, April 4, – THE THIRD SIDE: WHY WE FIGHT
AND HOW WE CAN STOP by William Ury, publisher:   Penguin
Group, 2000.  Dr. Ury is co-founder of The Program on Negotiation at    Harvard Law School where he directs a research project on the prevention
of destructive conflict.  Facilitators:  Carole Kersten and Rosemary Doyle, Citizens for Peace.
DISCUSSION FOCUS:  It takes two sides to fight but a third to
stop—how does one get to the third side?
* To honor the 2013 Season for Nonviolence, co-founded by the M.K. Gandhi Institute for
Nonviolence and The Association for Global New Thought which focuses attention on the philosophy of attaining peace through nonviolent action as demonstrated by Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr.  It was launched in 1998.

A nonprofit nonpartisan community organization whose mission is to create a culture of peace.
For further questions contact 248-476-0791 or